Clear Skin Program

Having had severe acne as a teen, I understand the emotional and social turmoil it can cause. If you feel you've tried it all, don't despair, you've made it to the right place! Ever wonder why something has worked for someone else's acne but it didn't help yours at all? That's because no one else has your skin! Just as no two people are exactly alike, treating acne cannot have a cookie cutter approach. I take a very personalized approach with my treatment plans. Getting to know you, your lifestyle and habits, will allow me to tailor my approach to clearing YOUR skin. That is what the Clear Skin Program is all about.

My 19 years as an esthetician has taught me there is no miracle cure for acne. However, achieving clear skin is possible! The secret lies in consistency, commitment, and a dedicated therapist guiding you on your journey! 

In Office Treatment

  • A thorough examination of the condition of your skin
  • A discussion of potential acne causing factors. 
  • Personalized treatment
  • Curated skincare routine to achieve healthier skin

initial consultation $155

subsequent visits $130​

Virtual Treatment

Don't live locally? That's ok! Believe it or not, we can make a lot of progress on your skin virtually! This option includes everything that you'd get with an in person session with the exception of the treatment itself. ​

initial consultation $99

subsequent visits $55

How to Prepare

  • home care products are not included in the cost of treatment. Your initial set of products will cost an average of $180-$220
  • have your calendar ready for a treatment every 3-4 weeks over a period of 3 months

With full program compliance, you will have

significantly clearer, healthier skin

Before & After